Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sharing My Life with Two Loves

How do you share your life with two loves?? Well, before any of you think I'm posting about an adulterous relationship, think again. I'm speaking of the love of your life (i.e. your companion, love you Jamie!!) and what you love to do with your life (for me, it's music). It's hard to balance the two things that you have to sacrifice so much for. For the most part, the people that are the closest to you would be the ones that have to bear the most sacrifice and pain because of the thing you love to do with your life. They are the people who are often left behind when you spend time doing what you love to do. If you love something, as I do music, it takes time to nurture that skill and that's time you're not spending with your loved one. Playing with busted lips, going to seedy environments ("holes in the wall") loaded with unsavory characters, and staying out wayyyyy too late is a big part of doing the thing I love. There have been countless occasions that I have to bear either missing a gig or missing out on some quality time with my loved one. Unfortunately, the main difference is that I have to hear the fussing from my wife, and my horn doesn't make any noise that I can't control (ahhh, if only they could switch for a while!! :-)).
It's hard balancing the two. Some relationships have been torn apart because of the things that people love to do, whether it be a job, hobby, etc. Sometimes people have given up on their dreams of doing something that they love because of the risk of losing a loved one. I'm glad I'm with someone that tries to understand that I'm torn between two loves: her and music. Now, don't get me wrong; it has been a hell of a balancing act, and I have had to give in as much as she has (even though she would disagree). Sometimes I ignore one for the other and I pay the price for it. Music isn't always about the money if it is something that you really love to do; it can really be spiritual just as the time that you spend with your soulmate. Sometimes I feel empty when I haven't played my horn in a while. It is hard for someone outside of that realm to understand that. Luckily, my wife tries to be understanding even when she doesn't have to be; I love her for that.
I'm glad that I have never had to choose between the two. Music is the only other situation I think my wife will allow me to have my cake and eat it too. Thanks baby!!!